The Future of Grocery Shopping is Frictionless

Retail technology is evolving faster than ever, but one thing is certain: the future of grocery shopping is frictionless. Shopper sticking points like inconvenient produce scanning and long checkout lines cause frustration among consumers, leading to them having to shop elsewhere for an easier solution. To keep up with increasing consumer demands, grocers are utilizing automation to achieve a frictionless grocery shopping environment for their customers.


Technology advancements make checkout lines a thing of the past. With artificial intelligence (AI)-powered carts, self-checkout options, computer vision, and digital touchpoints, retailers are putting convenience at the forefront. 

Smart carts use weight sensors and cameras to identify items consumers added to their baskets. The selections are then fed to the cart’s touchscreen for easy payment. This innovation can influence shoppers to stock up on more items during their next grocery store visit. Research shows shoppers who use smart cart technology increase their basket sizes by 10%. Not to mention, it also alleviates frustrations shoppers have with scanning produce at more standard POS systems.

Grocers can also use computer vision in tandem with AI-based technology to speed up the checkout process. Computer vision, paired with sensor technology, can track items as they move from shelves to shopping carts. Stores adapting to the contactless checkout model use QR codes so shoppers can quickly access an app to scan items and pay directly via their mobile devices. 

Checkout-free technology raises the stakes for grocers across the country who are seeking customer-centric innovations. Industry professionals can look to STCR’s omnichannel solutions to help put your store on the map for frictionless checkout. Learn how STCR can help optimize your store today.